Saturday, October 5, 2019

Article abstract assignments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Article abstract assignments - Essay Example In addition, the author uses the empirical studies to ascertain his conclusion on league variations in terms of competitive balance. Notably, lee identifies the effect of, open and closed leagues, intra-seasonal and inter-seasonal measures, and winning percentages aspects on competitive balance. Lee’s methodologies have successfully proved the parity effects of the 1193. Critical assessment of the author on other research and studies appreciates the effect of the 1993 Collective Bargain Agreement for its contributions towards a competitive balance. National football league commitments have led to inter-frachise balance. Although a number of factors are related to competitive balance, CBA triggered an increase in competitive balance. Lee’s review distinguish the different levels of competitive balance in the leagues The author explains the different aspects and factors affecting variations in performance and competitive balance, but used probability analysis in some parts instead of facts. However, there are drawbacks of the report by lee. One of the drawbacks is that the empirical method used arbitrary teams, which might have distorted the overall results owing to the fact that different teams differ in terms of rules and regulation not included on the review. Second, the author should have incorporated and compared other Football league associations to come into concise conclusions regarding competitive balance in NFL aster the 1993

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