Friday, January 3, 2020

The Impact Of President Obamas Foreign Policy - 1354 Words

On Friday January 20th 2017, Donald Trump became the 45th president of the United States and his inauguration ended the eight year presidency of Barack Obama. One of the cornerstones of the Obama administration’s foreign policy was its tactics in the Middle East and North African (MENA) region. From the early days in his presidency, Obama had to make life or death decisions on drone strikes designed to prevent terrorist attacks and over the course of his presidency the frequency of these drone strikes began to increase (Klaidman, 2012; Stone, 2017). The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the United States (US) military currently launch drone strikes eight countries including the following: Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Yemen,†¦show more content†¦By increasing the number of drone strikes, the Trump administration is only working against its goal of defeating terrorist organizations within the MENA region (Homer-Dixon, 2001; Schirch, n.d). Finally, the large n umber of countries that the US launches strikes in, has created radical groups all around the world. The US is currently engaged in more conflicts that anytime since the cold war: a direct result of the US drone program (Parsons Hennigan, 2017). As the Trump administration increases the number of drone strikes it launches, it is fuelling the conditions that breed conflicts (Homer-Dixon, 2001). Overall, the Trump administration is continuing conflicts in at least eight countries with its drone strikes and will increase the intensity of these conflicts if they continue to launch strikes at the present rate. Body Paragraph 2 In 2011, the CIA relabelled so called ‘signature strikes’ where young military age males are targeted in drone strikes without evidence of terrorist activities. These activities could be something as mundane as doing jumping jacks. 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